About us

We introduce ourselves and our work:

We have founded the GEKO association in March 1990 with the goal in the field of development aid to make an alternative contribution to the aid of all kinds, which are already provided by large public and religious organizations. Small initiatives can work directly and effectively, i.e. without extensive administrative spending.

We are looking for new ways of working with the people in developing countries and would contribute primarily to help themselves with the basic needs of nutrition, health, energy, education and communication.

We also try to use our local resources in order to help people in developing countries improve their living conditions. In this context, we have sent several shipments of medical equipment to The Gambia. Furthermore, we have sent sewing machines, sewing utensils, typewriters and computers for establishing educational facilities, used especially by women in The Gambia.

In Ghana, we have also supported the establishment of a school library. The library has been equipped by us with about 1200 books in English.

In collaboration with the District of Unna and the Protestant Hospital Unna, we have already performed fifteen training courses for nurses and male nurses with our hospital partner, the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (Banjul / Gambia), in Unna. The workshop of the partner hospital was equipped with tools to perform the various maintenance work. Also, we have shipped an used rescue car as well as an ambulance to The Gambia.

With the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, we rebuilt a health center in Sierra Leone, which was destroyed during the civil war. Since April 2004 this health center offers first aid in a catchment area of approximately 100,000 people.

In Morocco, we support the people of the valley Tamstint in the High Atlas in building a health center. For emergency transport to hospital 50 miles away, we have already lodged an ambulance available. We have also collected eyeglasses and for the children winter clothes and shoes and sent to Morocco.

For the solution of our diverse work we are looking for promoters, who are supporting the projects of our non-profit organization with money and / or donations as well as for dedicated members.

Our donation account is:
IBAN: DE76 4435 0060 0000 0580 08
BIC: WELADED1UNN   Sparkasse UnnaKamen

GEKO e.V. - COPYRIGHT 2010-2020